

First off, I have a confession to make. The matter of fact is, I have quite the crush on John Turturro. Since it's not that common a crush, I was surprised to see this middle-aged everyman play the part of love interest in Somewhere Tonight. In this cute little movie Turturro plays Leroy, a lonely and socially awkward bachelor with anger issues. Leroy meets Patti, the woman at the other end of a sex phone line. This culture loving lady may be the complete opposite of Leroy, but she's just as lost as he is. Somewhere Tonight was loosely based on Theo van Gogh's Dutch cult classic 06. Though not too subtle, its American counterpart is perfectly pitched and very romantic. Especially for those who have the hots for John Turturro. Or just old Italian-Americans in general.

Bovenstaande recensie van Somewhere Tonight staat deze maand in Subbacultcha. Lees 'm hier.
Vanaf 21 juni in de Nederlandse filmtheaters