A coming of age story is, basically, a story about emancipation. I never thought of it that way until I saw Beasts of the Southern Wild, a wild and imaginative movie about a six year old hero: a girl called Hushpuppy. Growing up in a bayou community of misfits called "the Bathtub", Hushpuppy is learning how to take care of herself. And that means: no crying. Not even when Hushpuppy's alcoholic father turns out to be ill; not even when a massive storm is coming to wash over the slums of the Bathtub. Beasts of the Southern Wild, which won debutant director Benh Zeitlin a whole bunch of prizes at both Cannes and Sundance, is easily the indiest of films coming out this year. And one of the best as well.
Bovenstaande recensie van Beasts of the Southern Wild staat deze maand in Subbacultcha. Lees 'm hier.
Vanaf 18 oktober in de Nederlandse filmtheaters
Vanaf 18 oktober in de Nederlandse filmtheaters