Liked Inception? Looper is this year's thinking man's blockbuster.
Yes, it features Bruce Willis. Yes, there are chases, explosions and bursts of
violence. Yes, it's the good guys against the bad ones. But wait! Tthere's also
a complicated plot involving time traveling. There's a creepy kid. There are
some credible indie actors among the cast, like Joseph-Gordon Levitt and Paul
Dano. There's a stunningly beautiful Emily Blunt and some equally stunning set
pieces. And the story itself? Well, any piece of information about the movie
qualifies as a spoiler, so let's not go there. Go see the movie instead.
Bovenstaande recensie van Looper staat deze maand in Subbacultcha. Lees 'm hier.
Vanaf 29 november in de Nederlandse bioscoop
Vanaf 29 november in de Nederlandse bioscoop