

Sure, Brian De Palma made straight forward crime classics like The Untouchables and Scarface but I've always liked his kitschy, quasi-erotic, Hitchcock inspired psycho thrillers best. Those who are with me, will surely enjoy De Palma's latest film, Passion, a eurotrashy neo noir about two female frenemies. Isabelle, a shy but talented young woman working in advertising, and Christine, Isabelle's cold-hearted bitch of a boss, go from friends to rivals in a plot that illustrates every cliché a man might have about women. And no matter how many smart phones and Skype conversations De Palma put in his script, it only takes one saxophone solo to reveal that this is a 90s movie by heart. And I love it.


Bovenstaande recensie van Passion staat deze maand in Subbacultcha. Lees 'm hier.
Passion zou oorspronkelijk in februari in de Nederlandse filmtheaters te zien zijn maar is verschoven naar april.