

The preposterously beautiful Emily Browning plays Lucy, a student with several jobs: at an office, in a bar and as a part time prostitute. Her private life consists of bickering with her roommates and enabling the addiction of an alcoholic friend, a bookworm called Birdmann. Throughout the somewhat bizarre drama Sleeping Beauty Lucy stays inscrutable. But trying to figure out what's behind her lies and self destructive ways is exactly what makes her - and this film - so enigmatic. Especially when Lucy takes on yet another job, one that requires her to be vast asleep while paying customers have their way with her. This much debated movie debut by Australian novelist Julia Leigh is definitely a hate-it-or-love-it movie. But even if you hate it, you'll love to discuss it.


Bovenstaande recensie van Sleeping Beauty staat deze maand in Subbacultcha. Lees 'm hier.
Vanaf 12 juli in de Nederlandse filmtheaters