

For his second feature, the talented Joachim Trier - a cousin of Lars von - took his inspiration from the 1931 novel Le feu follet, written by French writer/fascist Pierre Drieu La Rochelle. In modern day Oslo young writer and recovering drug addict Anders leaves rehab for the weekend. But his rendezvous with old friends are not as joyful as you'd think, Anders' past mistakes bering the proverbial elephant in the room. Looking at the mess he made of his life, Anders asks himself: Why clean it up? Before Trier, French film veteran Louis Malle made an adaptation of Le feu follet in the 60s. Oslo, August 31st replaces Malle's philosophical undertone with social drama, but the soundtrack is just as cool as it was in 1963. Back then, Erik Satie accompanied the protagonist's thoughts on life and death, in 2012 it's Daft Punk, Sébastien Tellier and 80s heart throbs A-ha.


Bovenstaande recensie van Oslo, August 31st staat deze maand in Subbacultcha. Lees 'm hier.
V anaf 17 mei in de Nederlandse filmtheaters