

In his latest achievement, period piece A Dangerous Method, David Cronenbergs usual theme of violence has taken the rather innocent shape of S&M. It's the eve of World War I and a certain Carl Jung has taken to psychoanalysis to treat young Sabrina, a screwed up but awfully sexy patient of his. As it turns out, Sabrina's lust for a good spanking can only be cured by... a good spanking. Meanwhile, Jung discusses business with the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud. A Dangerous Method is a stylish, somewhat formal drama that is many things - but not dangerous. Soon-to-be-superstar Michael Fassbender plays Jung, the ever cool Viggo Mortensen is especially superb as Freud.

Bovenstaande recensie van A Dangerous Method staat deze maand in Subbacultcha. Lees 'm hier.
Vanaf 15 maart in de Nederlandse filmtheaters.