Strawberry jam. Wine. Ketchup. Paint. In her newest film We Need to Talk about Kevin Scottish director Lynne Ramsay suggests inevitable violence by using gory close-ups of fluids that resemble blood. Skipping back and forth in time Ramsay tells the story of Eva and her son Kevin. From the day he's born up to his years as a moody teen Kevin wants nothing more than to agonize his mother. According to dad he's just another rowdy boy, and his little sister adores him no matter what. But Eva knows something's terribly wrong with her devil eyed son. Rather than dissecting Kevins psyche, Ramsay zooms in on Eva's guilt, making We Need to Talk about Kevin a beautifully crafted and surprisingly touching hybrid between horror and arthouse.
Bovenstaande recensie van We Need to Talk about Kevin staat deze maand in Subbacultcha.We Need to Talk about Kevin draait vanaf 1 december in de filmtheaters.